20 vjet nga bombardimet e NATO-s

Sotë është 20 vjetori i intervenimit ushtarak të NATO-së kunder regjimit gjenicidal të Milosevic-it . NATO shpëtoi Kosovën dhë ndryshoi boten. Intervenimi ne bazë humanitare i NATO-së ishte për here të parë dhe të fundit në historin e aleances veriatlantike që shpëtoi popullin shqiptar. Para 20 vitesh gadi e gjith bota na doli ne ndihmë.
Sotë ne ju kemi borxh të gjith të rënve për liri që të ngrisim,forcojm dhe ndertojm Kosoven.

Më poshtë po e ndaj me ju dekleratēn për shtyp të sekretarit të pergjithshem të NATO-së z.Javijer Solana të bërë publike me 24.Mars.1999 si dhe disa filmime/foto ushtarake te NATO-së gjatë asaj kohe.

Më heret Komandanti suprem i forcave të NATO-së Gjenerali Wesly Clark e kishte njoftuar Javijer Sollanen se sulmet ushtarake kunder regjimit te serbis sa kishin filluar . Bombardimet zgjaten mbi 70 ditë,deri ne kapitulimin e Millosheviqit.

Press Statement
March 24, 1999

by Dr. Javier Solana, NATO Secretary General following the Commencement of Air Operations
I have been informed by SACEUR, General Clark, that at this moment NATO Air Operations against targets in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia have commenced.

In the last months the international community has spared no efforts to achieve a negotiated solution in Kosovo. But it has not been possible.

Clear responsibility for the air strikes lies with President Milosevic who has refused to stop his violent action in Kosovo and has refused to negotiate in good faith. The time has now come for action. Let me reiterate: NATO is not waging war against Yugoslavia.

We have no quarrel with the people of Yugoslavia who for too long have been isolated in Europe because of the policies of their government.

Our actions are directed against the repressive policy of the Yugoslav leadership. We must stop the violence and bring an end to the humanitarian catastrophe now taking place in Kosovo. We have a moral duty to do so.

NATO’s men and women in uniform, who are carrying out this important mission, are among the best in the world. I am confident that they will be successful.

NATO 24 March 1999
On 24 March, Operation Allied Force began after months of intense effort by the International Community to find a political solution to the crisis in Kosovo. NATO’s decision to resort to the use of force was taken only after it became clear that all efforts to achieve a negotiated, political solution to the Kosovo crisis had failed and no other alternative was open.

NATO aeroplanes initially conducted air strikes against Serbian air-defences. Pre- (top right) and post (bottom left)-strike aerial photographs show the destruction of an anti-air missiles site in Obrva, Serbia

The Alliance’s ultimate objective continues to be to support the diplomatic efforts of the international community to find a political solution to this crisis. Intensive air operations are now being conducted against Serb military and police targets with the aim of disrupting and weakening the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (FRY) government’s ability to carry on its campaign of terror against the civilian population of Kosovo, to prevent further humanitarian catastrophe, and to avoid the spread of instability in the region. This expansion against the military structure of the FRY will intensify degradation of strategic targets and FRY forces in Kosovo despite significant risk. Every effort is being made to avoid collateral damage.

NATO condemns the wholesale expulsion of civilians from their homes and the wanton destruction now being perpetrated by Serbs security forces. The Alliance and its member states stand ready to support international humanitarian efforts to ease the plight of refugees forced our of their homeland by Serbian forces.

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